Propylon SmartVote

tags: healthcare
created: Sun 09 August 2015; status: published;

Propylon SmartvoteI built the initial pro­to­type for Propylon’s SmartVote sys­tem. SmartVote is a vot­ing sys­tem for leg­isla­tive bod­ies (think a State House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives). Leg­is­la­tors use desk-mounted Android tablets to do real-time vot­ing, review the cham­ber sched­ule, look up bill infor­ma­tion, and other activ­i­ties. The pro­to­type was built on Django, Sock­e­tIO, Redis, and the Dust.js tem­plat­ing sys­tem. Data was stored in Propylon’s pro­pri­etary append-only datastore.